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Intercessory Prayer Group

“Let my prayer be counted as incense before you, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice!”
– Psalm 141:2

Do you feel drawn to prayer?

Do you feel drawn to prayer? Does opening your soul to God bring relief, and fulfillment, and peace to your very being?

God promises that prayer can unlock great things for us: “And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” – Matthew 21:22.

If this describes you, would you lend your passion to increase the level of prayer over our C-Suite for Christ ministry?

The Mission Committee is seeking dedicated souls to gather, in person or virtually, to pray for the mission and members of C-Suite for Christ. The only requirements are that they be passionate about prayer and intercession.

We all need prayer. Spoken or unspoken, the needs of this ministry and its members are many. God calls us to beseech him in prayer, in both good times and bad.

The call isn’t for everyone. Those who feel it, know. If this is you, contact to join the team.

Join your talents with others, and we’ll find once again that all things ARE possible through God.